Okay, so that's more lie than truth. Actually, it's almost all lie, possibly a complete untruth. Maybe I should be a politician?
Failure? Because I set myself a target to publish one blog post a week, and last week I didn't do it. Gee, I'd only set the target the week before!
Fortunately I have two humdinger excuses.
Excuse 1: We had visitors, Tom, Anna and their one year old daughter, Rosie. I had to ski with Tom, you know, to be a good host, everyday and mostly for all day. We can ski within 200 metres of our front door, we skied from France into Switzerland (pretty cool in my opinion), then back to France and back to 200 metres from my front door. It wasn't my fault, I had to do it, it's polite to look after visitors.

Excuse 2: Our daughter moved apartment. We had to help her didn't we, you know, we had no choice. It took two days to move, and a third to clean her old place so she gets the full deposit back. Somehow we moved her whole apartment in a Nissan Qashqai! That included big items like a double bed, sofa, dining table and chairs, desk, bookcases, chest of drawers. It took a lot trips but, even so, how they fitted into a Qashqai is still a mystery to me.
That's it. Perhaps it doesn't sound much, but those things took the whole week and left no time for my blog. If that's part of early retired life, I'll take it every time. Friends visiting, skiing, helping our daughter. Plus I used the word "humdinger" for what I'm sure is the first time in my life - what a week!
So, last week wasn't a failure at all, in fact it was another awesome week. I love being early retired.