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Retired Young article on

I should be posting about my July costs, but I'm going to delay that for a few days. Instead, I'm posting a link to an article in about Retiring Young that I'm excited to be featured in. You can read the article here. It's part of a series of articles, and if you want to look at the others, click here.

I must admit that I would have been even more excited if I had made it to another Forbes publication i.e. the Rich List, we can but dream, and keep on buying the lottery tickets!

After seven months, I still consider myself a newbie to blogging. Although I'm really enjoying it, I'm also realising how difficult it is to get found on Google and other search engines, and that it is going to take time to grow the blog. Hopefully the article will help new readers find my blog - I've already seen an increase in visitors since the article was published. So if you're reading this post, thank you for visiting, another thank you if you've subscribed, and if you haven't subscribed already then you can do so at the bottom of this page - it will make me feel loved!

The Forbes article also featured Sydney Lagier and her husband, Doug, who retired early as well. I had fun reading her blog yesterday. It's always interesting to see how other people got to retire young, so I particularly liked Syd's My Path to Retirement post. So many blogs focus on frugality as the route to early retirement, and it was nice to see a different take on it from Syd. My journey to early retirement was somewhere between the two, we weren't really frugal, but we did work hard at saving extra and also took a few life and investment risks along the way which helped as well (at least they felt risky to us) - this is the post that I did about my route to early retirement.

This is just meant to be a quick post so I will try not to ramble on. Retired young is a good place to be, I'm feeling happy this morning, just like I do most mornings, so it feels right to close on a positive note. I used to be a worrier, someone who would fret about what might go wrong, but now I have a mindset to try things and, if they don't work, then change and try something different. I love having this new mindset, and I'm convinced that it comes from my decision to retire young.

That's it for today. Look out for my upcoming posts. I haven't finalised my ideas, but the topics on my radar are:

  • July 2017 Costs - we've been on holiday for the past three weeks so these are going to be scary! I'll post this in the next few days.

  • Update on my 2017 Targets - I've been holding off from this because I don't think I'm going to get a good report card.

  • Darren's route to early retirement - find out about Darren and the path that he took to retire in his early/mid forties.


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